Vision, Mission,
Core Values and Beliefs

Vision, Mission, Core Values and Beliefs

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Our vision is to foster a learning environment that is changing lives and creating opportunities for all students.  All students will be college ready, possess critical thinking skills, academic knowledge, professional skills, technological skills, and be ready to meet the needs of our community.


Provide students with educational opportunities that will target the needs of the community by ensuring successful graduation with workforce relevant skills and/or advanced studies.

Core Values:

  • Growth Mindset– All students can grow and mature in knowledge through critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity.  We believe personal reflection and feedback from peers and instructors is essential to growth.
  • Authentic Learning–   As Nighthawks we read, research, write, problem-solve, and collaborate with our peers in every academic setting.  Nighthawks seek and welcome opportunities to be involved in academic organizations, service learning opportunities, job shadowing, and internships.
  • Commitment to Personal Excellence– All students seek their own path to excellence.  As Nighthawks we value each other’s educational journey and expect each student to set goals for personal development, growth, and to monitor their progress toward their academic success.
  • Trust– Nighthawks value trust in all relationships.  We act with courage, commitment, and compassion. As NIghthawks we are accountable to each other.  We make and keep our commitments and are credible in our words and actions.
  • Respect– As Nighthawks we welcome and embrace the unique contributions of our peers and we respect the diversity of the NIghthawk family.  We at all times respect ourselves, our peers, our instructors, and our environment. We take responsibility for creating a safe and positive culture for our school and our campus.
  • Creativity– Nighthawks value and embrace creativity and innovation.  They apply the Plan Do Study Act model for constant improvement in their educational process and practices.

BECHS Beliefs about Student Learning

  • We believe that the best learning environments encourage participation and intellectual risk taking.
  • We believe that all students are capable of high achievement and that consistent effort and effective strategies are the essential ingredients to success.
  • We believe that school should be a safe and orderly environment.
  • We believe that all students are capable of behaving responsibly in a learning environment and demonstrating appropriate choices in judgment, behavior, and interactions.